three rides from tuesday. Kane is starting to do crazy things on this 7' 8" Becker:
tail first takeoffs, helicopters, spinners and nose riding.
this first one is fun because someone in the lineup lets out a whoop
This second one is more at a distance. and the last one has a very quick
coverup where he gets lost in the foam for a second
Noseriding evolved during the 1960s out of the functional move of getting the surfboard in "trim", the goal being to stay just in front of the white water – the steepest and fastest part of the wave, known as the "pocket" the "slot", etc. If the forward speed of the surfboard is too slow, the wave will pass under board and the surfer will drift out its back or be relegated to the white water. Unfortunately noseriding does not accomplish the goal of trimming the board for maximum speed, maximum speed is achieved by tail riding, in much the same way as a powerboat trims itself at speed.[
Hydrodynamically noseriding is inefficient as a means of accelerating the board, as planing craft need to reduce wetted surface area as they accelerate (because less wetted surface area is required to produce the necessary lift as the board moves faster). Noseriding prevents a reduction in wetted surface area and thus limits the speed of the board. There is a very common misconception that noseriding accelerates the board but actually it is a slowing or stalling move.
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